A psychological therapy service

Get in touch:

How we help

We support in a wide range of ways both 1-1 and with others, and by phone, online and face-to-face. 



How We Help

We offer a range of services from classes supporting your everyday wellbeing to structured therapies treating common mental health conditions.



Our wellbeing classes are now available online. You may also find our wellbeing videos and relaxation resources helpful. 

Our classes teach healthy coping skills for the challenges of everyday life, to help you to boost your resilience and stay well.

Find out more about our wellbeing classes.



If you've been feeling down or overwhelmed, our guided self-help options empower you to get back on track.

This approach equips you with the tools to work on your recovery in your own time, at your own pace, with supportive guidance from us to help you along the way.

To get started, simply refer yourself to our service. You can often get started right away, but we may invite you to have an assessment first, so that we can offer the option that's most likely to work for you.

Managing Moods Webinars

Our six week online course offering the opportunity to learn proactive ways to get your motivation back, manage stress and think more clearly.

Find out more about Managing Moods

Building Resilience with Long-Term Health Conditions

Our six week online course tailored for people living with a long-term physical health condition such as diabetes, COPD, heart disease or chronic pain. Part of our NHS Talking Therapies Hampshirevhealth pathway, for people with a long-term physical health condition.  

Find out more about NHS Talking Therapies Hampshire health


Our online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy programme, available 24/7. We support you via online messages every two weeks to guide you through the programme as you work towards feeling more like yourself again.

SilverCloud offers a range of modules, so that you can access guidance relevant to your situation. These include:

  • Space from Depression
  • Space from Anxiety
  • Space from Stress
  • Space from Insomnia
  • Space from Diabetes
  • Space from Lung Conditions
  • Space from Chronic Pain
  • Space from Cardio-Vascular Conditions
  • Space from Covid-19

Find out more about SilverCloud

Telephone Guided Self-Help

 We will send you everything you need by post, and call you every two weeks to offer support as you apply what you've learned to your life, to feel better and move forward.

Find out more about Telephone Guided Self-Help



We use a range of evidence based talking therapies to treat common mental health problems including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety and anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Specific phobias, like agoraphobia

Your treatment might be 1-1, in a group, or a combination of both depending on what's likely to work best for you. All treatments are currently held via telephone or video appointments. 

Our therapies are usually held at the same time each week for 12 - 16 weeks.

You don't need to have a diagnosis or to have seen your GP before contacting us. Simply refer yourself to arrange your assessment.

Find out more about our talking therapies


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