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2. The Body and Mind Link

Here you'll find all the worksheets and information you'll need to accompany your learning for Session 2 of our Building Resilience with Long-Term Physical Health Conditions webinar.


What we learned this week

The fight or flight response

Fight or Flight

We looked at the role of adrenaline in the body and how it can feel similar to symptoms of our physical health conditions. We looked at ways to spot which symptoms are down to the fight or flight response and which are part of our physical health condition.

We also noticed that the physical symptoms of anxiety and stress can be similar to more positive experiences, like exercising or feeling excitement. Remembering this can help us to feel reassured that they won't harm us, and they will pass with time. 


The power of relaxation

We explored how relaxation can be helpful for both the body and mind and shared three relaxation techniques. 

  1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Helps us to let go of tension and stiffness in our muscles and feel more at ease. 

  2. Deep Breathing: Helps us to slow down and feel more in control, when adrenaline has made our heart race or our breathing shallow.

  3. Staying in the present: Helps us to enjoy the present moment, as stress often brings our focus to the past or future.  

We like these three skills because they don't need equipment, they don't cost anything, and you can use them almost anywhere. If any of these skills causes pain, try a different one or speak to a member of your physical healthcare team for advice on using them.



How our Employment Advisors can help with issues at work

We introduced our Employment Support team, who can help you to tackle issues at work. If your work is affecting your mental health, or your symptoms are affecting your work, contact us to be linked with an Employment Advisor.



  • Have a go at mapping out your symptoms on the "symptom overlap" worksheet below.
    Tip: Try to spot one tell-tale symptom that will help you know when the way you're feeling is down to anxiety or stress, rather than your physical health condition.

  • Try out some relaxation techniques
    Tip: Relaxation is a skill that takes practice. You might need to try each technique a few times before you can tell which one is going to work best for you.




Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation Techniques (Doc)

Download to print or read digitally
Click here to download

Overlapping Symptoms Worksheet

Overlapping Symptoms Worksheet (Doc)

Download to print or use digitally
Click here to download

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