A psychological therapy service

Get in touch:

Employment Advice Team

Employment Support

It's not always easy to look after yourself when you're facing stress or conflict in work, looking to get back into work or looking for a new job. That’s why in addition to your therapy, we can offer you employment support. We can help you to start, stay and succeed in work so you can focus on your wellbeing. So what exactly does this mean?



If you’re facing problems in the workplace and don’t know how to best resolve them, these are just some of the areas we can help you with:
•    One to one support
•    Knowing your rights at work
•    Returning to work
•    Negotiating adjustments in the workplace

If you’re looking to change careers or find employment again after a period of not working, we can help with that too. We can support you with all forms of work preparation, including:
•    Right to work documentation
•    Job searching
•    Applications
•    Interviews
•    Heath and wellbeing 

You might not be experiencing specific problems at work but you do feel stressed and overwhelmed. Sound familiar? Well you’ll be pleased to know we’ve got plenty of guidance and resources to help support you with:
•    Managing workplace stress
•    Staying well in the workplace
•    Building resilience
•    Building confidence

Who do we help? 
Our employment advice service is available to anyone accessing the NHS Talking Therapies Hampshire service for therapy. 

Let your NHS Talking Therapies practitioner know that you'd like employment advice and you will be referred to one of our Employment Advisors.

Who are we?
We are a team of Employment Advisors with a wealth of knowledge from various backgrounds including HR, employability and teaching. We support hundreds of people each year with employment issues and we’re passionate about helping others who may be experiencing something similar. 

We want to give you the confidence to make the right career choices for you.


Information videos

Please note that these information videos were created and recorded prior to our national rebrand to NHS Talking Therapies (previously italk).

New name, same service. All content remains relevant and applicable.



A guide to tackling work stress

Our Employment Advisors have recorded this video to guide you through everything you need to know about work stress, and how to tackle it.

If you're affected by workplace stress, we hope you'll find this guide helpful. You'll learn what stress is, what causes it and what you can do about stress at work as well as what you should be able to expect from your employer.



Using Occupational Health at work 

A short guide on using occupational health before or during employment, including what occupational health is and what to expect during and after an assessment. 


Bitesized guide to flexible working

(Information correct at time of recording, November 2021 - italk has since rebranded to NHS Talking Therapies Hampshire)

This guide includes: 

What flexible working actually is - what kind of changes to your working hours or patterns you could ask for. How to make a request, including what your rights are and what to include. What to expect from your employer, including their responsibilities under the law.

The information in this video is correct at time of recording, to the best of our knowledge. The webinar refers to rules and legislation on flexible working rights, which are subject to change, for example we are aware at time of recording that there are proposals to make flexible working a 'day one' right. Find further information and check the current legislation at www.gov.uk


Reasonable Adjustments in the workplace 

A short guide on reasonable adjustments in the workplace including what reasonable adjustments are, who is entitled to them, what "reasonable" means and examples of reasonable adjustments used at work. 


Wellbeing at work 

Our Employment Advisors and clinical team have put together a webinar to help you improve and maintain your wellbeing at work. You will learn what helps and what blocks our wellbeing as well as tips on how to improve this.  We hope you’ll find this guide helpful. 



What did you think? 


We care about our service and how our resources and webinars have helped you so we would love to hear how you felt we did! Our survey takes two minutes to complete and we really value your feedback.


Please click here to complete the survey: Stay Well, Stay Working      


Thank you!  




Phased return to work plan

Phased return to work plan (Doc)

Click here to download

Individual stress risk assessment form

Individual stress risk assessment form (Doc)

Click here to download

Events timeline document

Events timeline document (Doc)

Click here to download

Employment advice leaflet

Employment advice leaflet (Doc)

Click here to download

Starting and running your own business

Starting and running your own business (Doc)

Tips, guidance and signposts to helpful resources such as a ‘Mentor’ an…
Click here to download

Job retention advice and guidance booklet

Job retention advice and guidance booklet (Doc)

With kind permission this resource has been shared from the Job Retention N…
Click here to download

Wellness Action Plan - hybrid

Wellness Action Plan - hybrid (Doc)

Click here to download

Wellness Action Plan - remote

Wellness Action Plan - remote (Doc)

Click here to download

Wellness Action Plan - workplace

Wellness Action Plan - workplace (Doc)

Click here to download

I honestly dread to think the state I would've been in without the Employment Advisor’s knowledge and support. I wasn't aware this was available when I self-referred to iTalk and can honestly say it is a fantastic add on to an already great service. I cannot express how thankful I am for their support in getting my issues resolved with the best possible outcome. The Employment Advisor was empathetic, helpful and supportive throughout, I couldn't have done it without them.
August 2022

Click here to read more patient stories…

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